Causes Of Excessive Barking In Dogs
The wind seems to stop blowing when dogs bark excessively. Other animals tend to get a pass for the noise they make in nature. Dogs that are always barking, on the other hand, can be rather unnerving.
The occasional bark of greeting and play is okay. However, excessive barking in dogs is usually not acceptable. There is hope to put an end to it and once again live in that natural hormonal balance with your dog. To continue a happy relationship with him, you will want to know how to combat excessive barking in dogs.
Excessive barking in dogs is very annoying and unfortunately, most people resort to yelling at them to shut up. Remember that a bark is a form of communication for a dog. With the dog always barking, you can hopefully determine if the dog needs something.
Sometimes dogs have a bark where they may seem sad. Other times they may have a loud territorial bark of warning because someone is approaching. More barks types are fear, boredom, play, anxiety, and the bark for attention. Once you understand the various types of barking, then you can learn how to combat excessive barking in dogs. You have to learn your dog.
Types Of Excessive Barking In Dogs
If your dog is always barking, pay closer attention to what is going on at the time. There are 2 types of barking that get overlooked often. There is anxious barking in dogs and impulsive barking in dogs. How can you tell the difference?
Anxious barking in dogs occurs during separation anxiety. It is most obvious that the dog does not like being left alone. Look for signs of pacing back and forth, destruction of items in their immediate location, a heavy sadness, or the act of not remembering they are house broken.
Impulsive barking in dogs happens when they like to hear their own vocals. Somewhat like people singing in the shower. Signs to look for include running in circles or along a fence. At times, a dog running in circles can be comical. However, it can quickly become a nuisance with a dog always barking.
Excessive Barking Control Methods
There are a few methods to help tone down the excessive barking. When your dog is barking, maintain a calm and firm voice and say, “Quiet.” Then when the dog obeys the quiet command, give him praise, followed with his favorite treat. After they has learned this well and obeys the quiet command each time, accompany the command with a hand signal. This way, the dog knows to be quiet even without you speaking to him.
Another way to combat excessive barking is to tire the dog out before leaving him alone. Take a long walk around the block. Go to the park. Play ball. Sometimes your dog just needs a job to feel useful and appreciated. You can help them with CBD oil which help to keep your dog relaxed, and calm eliminating their excessive barking.
Anxiety and impulsive barking can be hard to treat. If your dog has a severe case of these, you may want to seek the help of a certified applied animal behaviorist. However, before resorting to a pet prescription, you can also try using other products, like shock collars or audible command collars.
However these techniques can be bad for your dog, and should be avoided. If your dog barks all the time while outside, try giving them CBD oil you will find it is very helpful in keeping your dog happy and less anxious combating their excessive barking habits.
All dog lovers want to live in happiness with their dog. Still, doing your part to help them communicate is key, this is why it is important to give your dog the tools they need to live a harmonious life.