Like people, pets can get asthma. Allergens enter the lungs and cause irritation, which can lead to this condition. You would instead identify the situation as soon as possible. While people can receive treatment with inhalers, dog health is more complicated.
Symptoms Of Asthma In Dogs
Asthma symptoms in dogs are quite similar to those in humans. That means one can identify them fairly easily.
Symptoms of asthma include the following:
Coughing, choking, or wheezing is caused by the dog’s bronchial muscles tightening and mucus clogging the airways.
– Whistling noises while breathing out – this is called “bronchophony” symptoms. Bronchophony refers to when doctors can hear unusual sounds coming from the lungs or bronchi. A vet can identify if these sounds are unusual.
– Shortness of breath, difficulty with breathing, or excessive panting. You may see this sign if a dog is not responding to exercise well or is stressed out.
When To Contact Your Veterinarian
If your dog is experiencing symptoms similar to those above, take him or her to the vet, especially if they have trouble breathing. Asthma can cause permanent damage to the lungs or bronchial tubes, which is why you want to identify the condition as soon as possible.
A routine examination of the lungs or breathing patterns should confirm any suspicions. The symptoms are usually made worse when your dog is exercising or excited.
A vet wants to eliminate the possibility of other conditions such as heartworm or bacterial infection. Heart disease is another alternative to asthma. They sometimes diagnose patients with laboratory tests that evaluate lung function.
Diagnostic imaging techniques can show decreased airflow or inflammation around the bronchial tubes. They may include the following:
– Thoracic radiographs to look for signs of a collapsed lung or pulmonary edema.
– Expiratory films measure the amount of air coming out of the lungs with each breath.
– Arterial blood gas analysis to measure oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations in a dog’s blood.
Treatments For Asthma Attacks
Generally, the specific symptoms or cause of asthma will determine the treatment. If, for example, your dog is suffering shortness of breath, the best treatment is to reassure your pet and slow down their exercise sessions. Implement more time spent at a low activity level so that they don’t strain their bodies.
Sometimes your dog may receive corticosteroids, bronchodilators, or diuretics. Your vet should monitor treatment progress because these medicines may have long-term side effects.
Prana Pets has an alternative herbal remedy: Respiratory Support for Dog Asthma and Breathing Problems. The herbs combine to restore natural breathing and combat any stress that your dog may be experiencing.
Treat Your Pet Condition With Prana Pets Supplements
Prana Pets believes that with the power of nature, one can find healthy remedies for their dogs or cats. Herbs can treat signs and symptoms in various conditions without traditional medicine’s long-term side effects. Each supplement contributes to a healthy regimen, paired with a good diet and regular exercise.
To find out more, please reach out to us today. Prana Pets is happy to answer all of your questions about asthma and how to treat it.