3 Ways to Keep Your Senior Dog Healthy

There are measures you can take to make sure your senior dog stays healthy and thrives during the golden years. Here are some tips on how to keep your senior dog healthy!
3 Ways to Keep Your Senior Dog Healthy

We love our dogs, just like our own children. We hate to have to put our precious doggies down. We grief for our dogs we have lost. The bad news is yes, your dog you cherish so dearly, unfortunately, will not live forever. The good news is with proper nutrition, exercise, and activity your dog can live his last years as fit and fun as his first half his life.

Like your dog when he was a puppy and required special attention and care, that added attention and care is just as critical when they are reaching their senior years. Today we will focus on three things to keep your senior dog happy and healthy.

1. Regular Veterinary Visits for Senior Dogs

Make Sure Your Dog Has Twice Yearly Veterinary Visits For Good Senior Dog Health

These visits to the vet twice a year is a good way to check for preventive types diseases, kidney, blood sugar, and other essential functions. These twice a year visit are essential good senior dog health.

Dogs in their senior years require particular attention to their weight, muscle tone, ease of joint motion, diet, and any supplements that might be needed for your senior dog. Also, a good vet will review their exercise habits and advise on your senior's dog exercise program.

A blood test should be performed every six months, so the vet can have an overall analysis of how well your dog is functioning physiologically and to detect any issues in the normal functions of your senior dog's internal organs.

2. Make Sure They Get Exercise

Daily Exercise For Your Senior Dog Is Essential For Your Older Dogs Health

I know as we get older, it is very easy just to settle back, and say I am too old too exercise. I recently just got a new dog for a companion to the senior dog I have had for the past 15 years. Naturally, like his caretaker, he likes to take it easy. I really did not notice it until I got this young dog(about 10 months old), how inactive my senior dog had become.

Now I take my young dog and my senior dog and we all go for a walk together. I will admit, at first, this took a lot of patience on my part. My young dog was ready to run, while my senior dog wanted to walk at a slower pace. Well, with a lot of determination, training, and a load of patience and communication, we all walk at an agreed pace between the three of us!

My senior dog has become a lot more active, and after walking, my senior dog and my new dog interact and play together. Bottom line if you take the time and patience to do this with your senior dog the result will be a happier, healthier, and longer living senior dog.

We highly recommend that you consider adding supplements to your dog's regiment. Natural supplements can make a big difference in your dog's health. One such supplement is CBD Oil for Pets. CBD works tremendously to fight age-related issues in dogs. Arthritis in older dogs and other types of inflammation can be practically eliminated.

3. Diet for Older Dogs

We Are What We Eat: Giving Your Old Dog The Best Senior Dog Food

We are what we eat! We have all been told that, and we get the option of choosing how healthy or unhealthy we want to eat. Unfortunately, your senior Fido cannot tell you if that senior dog food you are feeding him or her is giving them all their nutritional needs.

That is our job.

Commonly older dogs require more protein than younger dogs. Make sure and feed your senior dog food is rich in protein, high in fiber, easily digestible, and has plenty of moisture. Your senior dog requires more moisture in their food for proper digestion.